Our Story
Farming has been in our family for generations, but no one before us had ever considered farming flowers (to my knowledge). In the year prior to the creation of SkyGardens, I began to see the need for locally grown flowers. From that moment, I fell in love with the idea of recreating SkyGardens (read below to find about about the first version), and my parents dove right in with me. With love and support shown to us from all sides by friends and family, we are embarking on a new journey. We are excited, nervous, and surrounded by oh, so much beauty.
Our farm is located on the land that my Grama and Papa (great grandparents) chose many years ago. My Pop (grandpa) still farms cotton all around us, and it is a life that we love. Our roots are deep here, and we seem to be adding more to the mix - just in a slightly different way than what has been known for generations before.
We offer fresh flowers in multiple different forms March through October and beautiful wreaths and garlands made with Christmas greenery in the winter. Stay tuned to see all the crazy ideas we come up with on this crazy beautiful journey!
Our Team
Skyler Richardson
Hi there, my name is Skyler, and our story is primarily told from my perspective. At the ripe young age of seven, I created a business called SkyGardens with one sole customer - my Grama. She bought me an 8x10 greenhouse, and I sold her all sorts of plants or anything I could make out of the things surrounding me on the family farm (where I live). Eventually, our West Texas wind blew the plastic greenhouse down, and life went on, but I never stopped dreaming. In fact, since then, I’ve had many different dreams - of becoming a doctor, lawyer, or maybe even the president, but the one that seems to have stuck is my dream of continuing the family business (in a slightly different way). It is the one career path where I can see all of my passions and values meshing together to create something truly beautiful. I love where I was raised, and attribute many of my best qualities to the lifestyle of hard work and perseverance that I was taught from a young age on the farm. I want to build a life that will allow me to teach my kids the same values. So, I’m a history nerd who loves our God, my family, this country, and flowers - a lot. This journey excites me because it gives me the opportunity to share who I am with everyone with whom we come into contact. Enjoy!
Jay & Lori Richardson

Chloe Richardson
Supervising Assistant
Chloe is our ball of joy. Most young girls wouldn’t ever dream of working for their older sisters, but Chloe is far different than most girls. She works hard and long to help around the farm in any way she can - all while dreaming of the day that she can pursue her own passion - animals. She is what we call an animal-lover, and dreams of opening a vet right outside of SkyGardens one day. I am just hoping she raises animals so we can cut down on the price of compost a bit. In whatever she ends up doing, she will move mountains. For now, she’s working hard, and is a light to all whom she comes into contact.
Bethany Richardson
Social Media Expert
Bethany might hate dirt, but she has a talent for all social media aspects of the job. She is the first person that I text when I do not know how to work Instagram or Facebook, and she is the first to share the news that SkyGardens is up and going.
Larry and Louella Borland
Farmer, Florist, Advisor (Basically anything we could need)
These two are otherwise known as Poppy and Grannie. They are two of my favorite people in the world, and have had a major influence on my life since I was a young girl. Grannie can be credited for my crafty, creative side, and Poppy can be credited with my desire to work hard. They have always supported my dreams and encouraged me to do anything my heart desired (other than move too far away). I am thankful for their constant love, support, and advice. If I haven’t already said it, I love them to the moon and back, and am thankful to experience all seasons of life with them.
Hollis and Dorothy Borland
The Real Founders
Last, but not least, this is Grama and Papa. After falling in love with one another, they ended up in the place that I am lucky enough to call home. I can only image what they would say about this flower farm that we are starting today. My guess is that they would LOVE it. Though Papa passed away before I was old enough to remember him well, Grama lived right across the road for the bulk of my life. She taught me how to make chicken spaghetti, grow tomatoes, sew, and just about any other valuable skill I could need. I know that they are both smiling down on us from heaven right now.